
Prepaid Legal & Blastoff Network…Boom Or Bust

A Match Made In Heaven?Why would a 38 year old NYSE company like Prepaid Legal Services, Inc hook up with a brand new internet start-up company like the Blastoff Network, the internet equivalent to a Home Shopping Network?An Overview Of The Leading PrePaid Legal Services ProviderPrepaid Legal Services, Inc is the brainchild of Harland Stonecipher who founded the company back in 1972 after a devastating automobile accident that occurred in 1969 left him with huge legal fees when the person responsible for the accident had the audacity to sue him! Having medical and automobile insurance cushioned the impact of those expenses however the ensuing legal litigation in which Stonecipher prevailed, still left him near penniless and looking for some way to mitigate any possibility of future legal expenses for himself and others.It was this experience that led him to found the company known today as Prepaid Legal Services, Inc., offering legal expense reimbursement services and today, Prepaid is listed on the NYSE and boasts 1.6 million members owning their Prepaid Legal membership plans and Identity Theft Shield, a unique and highly effective Identity Theft prevention and restoration program that is virtually unmatched in the marketplace!So why would a successful 38 year old NYSE company with a reputation like Prepaid Legal's want to partner up with an unknown startup company like the Blastoff Network?Perhaps A Closer Look At Blastoff Will Reaveal WhyBlastoff comes to us from William Rodgers and his two partners Scott Berman & Adam Smith. It is the intention of the Blastoff Network to merge online shopping with such big brand names as iTunes, The Gap, WalMart, Target and as many as 400 more online retailers with a cashback or rebate online shopping experience. Consumers are encouraged to sign up with Blastoff for free and invite others to do the same. This network will then pay members overrides on other’s purchases.Harland Stonecipher of Prepaid Legal is paraphrased here as stating that he sees the integration of a rewards-based program with the viral Android Phones marketing potential of nail tips Blastoff combined with the 400,000 independent sales reps of Prepaid Legal makes for a combination offering significant opportunity for all concerned.Pre-Paid Legal will be the only Network Marketing/MLM Company to be part of the Blastoff network and Pre-Paid and its legal services membership plan will be prominently featured with a link on the Blastoff home page. The partnership of Prepaid Legal and the Blastoff Network provides Prepaid with a link on the Blastoff homepage advertising Prepaid’s legal expense plan membership where anyone can sign up to become a member and owner of a Prepaid Legal membership plan.A Win-Win For PrePaid Legal & Blastoff?Prepaid’s 400,000 person sales force certainly shortens the initial marketing curve for Blastoff by instantly creating a viral word-of-mouth campaign. As for Prepaid, the gain almost the same instant exposure from Blastoff’s much anticipated viral marketing potential. Both companies could gain hugely from their alliance!Will the Prepaid Legal sales force jump in to boost sales of its legal membership plan past its current 1.5 million members or will they sit back and wait to see how many more sales will be generated passively simply by consumers finding their link on a homepage and signing up? That’s the big question here!A Financial Windfall For Prepaid Legal Reps?I guess what all the associates with PrePaid need to be asking is whether or not they will be able to create an income stream from Blastoff without any significant effort or involvement on their part? The real money will be made by savvy Prepaid Legal representatives who take advantage of the Blastoff website to drive traffic to it with the idea of exposing someone new to the PPL membership link and then following up with them to get them signed up as a new member. As always, the fortune is still in the followup!Ahhhh, The Effects Of Viral Marketing…My Favorite Subject!Since Network Marketing is already a form of viral marketing, will the addition of Social Media sites and hyped-up headlines likely increase the effects of viral marketing? Suggesting that Blastoff will be the biggest thing to ever hit the internet is not likely to accomplish that goal. What it is likely to do is to create skepticism in folks like you and me!To learn more about viral marketing and MLM, be sure to read “Viral Marketing Puts MLM On Autopilot” by clicking on the link below.

